Development of diabetes and nutritional healthy products on the basis of Topinemary and other plant raw materials (Осовение производства проиствотияческих и обшчеукериклихча и судвнове пешчество и судвнове пестительно и другого RastitalNogo Syrya)

Project science directions
Medicine I Pharmacology
Name of institution
Tashkentskiy pharmacieseviCheskiy institut
Project code
Project round
Project theme
Development of diabetes and nutritional healthy products on the basis of Topinemary and other plant raw materials (Осовение производства проиствотияческих и обшчеукериклихча и судвнове пешчество и судвнове пестительно и другого RastitalNogo Syrya)
Implementation period
2018-2019 gg.
Full name and academic degree of project manager
Aminov S.N.
Allocated funds (total million sums / year)
Brief description
Technology for proizvodstva lekartstwennogo sredstva na ovnove topinambura
"Results of scientific and technical activities (new technologies, materials, methods, techniques, technology samples, technical, methodological and program documents - TT, TSh, etc.)"
Darrabada Technology PRIZvodstva Lekartstwennogo sredstva na ovnovee Topinambura. Разработальня и утверождер меткировки Potrebitelskoy packin phytochaya.
Copyright protection documents
Net Svedeny
Certificates of testing the results of research projects
ICT promыshlennyx ispytani technology extract "Glycoouinuv" at 27.03.2018 s OOO "Narpay Vita Zone".
Acts on the implementation of the results of research projects, product standards, license agreements
Net Svedeny
Availability of foreign analogues
Net Svedeny
Import substitution product
Economic effeciency of the introduction of the results of scientific and technical activities
Экономитичеропо сополо воли в производствне Ивпорезметьечии шабутьCHYII.
Application area
Potential or target consumers
Productsvoditel lecharstvennyx sredstv
+998 71 256-38, +998 71 256-45-04
G.Tashkent, ul. Aybek, 45, 100015.