Разрабитка Texnicheskogo predljeniyu konsonstruktsiy gruzыx Vagonov Production Uzbekistan S Vnedreem Vysokoprochnikh stalkey

Project science directions
Sirkoe xozyaystvo i mashinertoenie
Name of institution
Tashkentskiy Institute Engenererov Jeleznorojuno Transpets
Project code
BV-atex-2018- (410 + 411)
Project round
Prikladnoy project
Project theme
Разрабитка Texnicheskogo predljeniyu konsonstruktsiy gruzыx Vagonov Production Uzbekistan S Vnedreem Vysokoprochnikh stalkey
Implementation period
2018-2020 gg.
Full name and academic degree of project manager
Ruzmetov Ya.O., K.T.N.
Allocated funds (total million sums / year)
Brief description
Texnicheskoe predlojenie po Obtlchcheniyu Konstruktsiy Georgian wagonov
"Results of scientific and technical activities (new technologies, materials, methods, techniques, technology samples, technical, methodological and program documents - TT, TSh, etc.)"
Razrabotany Technique Resheniya po Snigeniyu Tarichni Poluvagoni Model 12-9922, za schet vnederal vыsokoprochnikx staley Marok 16g2Ana i 18g2afs Classa Procheni MPa MPAs 16G2Afsopheps Klassa Procheni 440 MPa. Разработа керкетные совонтихеские для «Ruzhimash» по пользованийу высокохных стасковани в полувана в полувана в V RAMKHAX Projection Planiruetsyovatovatovat polivvagon iz vysokoprochnoy stali 10g2 (a) fb.
Copyright protection documents
Net Svedeny
Certificates of testing the results of research projects
Net Svedeny
Acts on the implementation of the results of research projects, product standards, license agreements
Разработияшие и экономические сешeniya vnedrenы v oao «Ruzhimash
Availability of foreign analogues
Net Svedeny
Import substitution product
Economic effeciency of the introduction of the results of scientific and technical activities
Ekonomicheskaya express Оssskenka pokazala uvelichena na 864923 tys. Sum. (S NDS) stoimosti metalla poluvona iz Staley 16g2Afli procheni 440 MPa, Otnositelno Analyo. Srednerynchnaya stoimost Poluvagona-Analysis model 12-9922 на сегоднышений Den 224656,90 Tys. Sum. (S Nds). Tsena vysokoprochnognogo poluva uvelichitsa on the mountain is neither 3,9%. Gruzopod'emnost pri everomy podnamemetsya neither%. To be true gruzopodъemnosti vysokoprognogo poliva metallosis metallosis. Ekonomicheski priv compliance vыglyadit option Iggotovleniya kumovova PolUvoprogchnoy stali 10g2fb. В этом слулае соминтост Комай кобан Снзиця на 2611875 sum. Отностельно PolUvagona-Analo Trania 09g2s. PolUvony Warra stali 10g2fb Buddut Obladat Bolshey Rhentabletnostyu, Chem iz Staleey 16g2Afl, 18g2afs i 09g2s.
Application area
Transportation spheres, transportnoe mashinertotroenie
Potential or target consumers
Proizvoditel J / D Transportant Narrednyx Sredstv
(+998 71) 299-02-43, 299-02-34
g.Tashkent, ul.Adylhujaeveva, 1