The development of a comprehensive suspensional-smoothener, which shows the pressure to set up quick and lightly

Project science directions
Sirkoe xozyaystvo i mashinertoenie
Name of institution
Agricultural mechanization dog
Project code
QX-ATEX-2018- (155 + 393)
Project round
Practical project
Project theme
The development of a comprehensive suspensional-smoothener, which shows the pressure to set up quick and lightly
Implementation period
2018-2020 gg.
Full name and academic degree of project manager
Tokhuzokiev A., T.F.D., prof.
Allocated funds (total million sums / year)
Brief description
"Results of scientific and technical activities (new technologies, materials, methods, techniques, technology samples, technical, methodological and program documents - TT, TSh, etc.)"
A comprehensive soldering was developed to consist of aligner and complainating workers. The use of the suspensional and light-equated pressure will increase the productivity to 1.5-time and lightly, and the use of the suspensional-grain, which is equipped with a fast and lightly adjusted, and reduces the cost of labor and fuel and fuard-lubricants to land. Preliminary requirements, and technical conditions have been developed to the comprehensive mold.
Copyright protection documents
There is no information
Certificates of testing the results of research projects
A copy of the Extensive Color Recharier has been developed at the Way Construction Mehrinlar LLC and tested in the fields of the Department of Experimental Association, VEK, Oybek Bohhodir Agro
Acts on the implementation of the results of research projects, product standards, license agreements
In the development of constructive documents and design of the comprehensive solder challenger, UNDP Agromash was introduced in the tests of the industrial copy.
Availability of foreign analogues
There is no information
Import substitution product
Economic effeciency of the introduction of the results of scientific and technical activities
Economic accounts show that labor consumption is reduced by 76.5% and exploitation when used to plant large permaven mineral processing to land. In this case, the annual economic efficiency is 23,46,1645 soums per large-scale edger.
Application area
Production of agricultural machinery
Potential or target consumers
Agriculture, Farms
TASHKENT V-I, YANGIYAN T-I, Samarkand K-I, 41.