Осовение производства Подевовалитного, the protivoprospo, etc.

Project science directions
Medicine I Pharmacology
Name of institution
NPTs "Science Technologies"
Project code
Project round
Project theme
Осовение производства Подевовалитного, the protivoprospo, etc.
Implementation period
2018-2019 gg.
Full name and academic degree of project manager
Yuldashev Z.A., prof., D.F.N ..
Allocated funds (total million sums / year)
Brief description
Technology for proizvodstva protoprositionnogo lekarstvenno sredstva
"Results of scientific and technical activities (new technologies, materials, methods, techniques, technology samples, technical, methodological and program documents - TT, TSh, etc.)"
DarisionAda Technology PRIZvodstva Protermoprostudnogo Lekartstwenno sredstva. The Definition Standard Kachestva Lekartstwennogo Sredstva Sredstva "Koldmaster". Razrabotany opыtno-promyshlennыe regalations i Polewuliya «Koldmaster», koldymaster predsatelin Predsedelin Pravlenian AO UzKimyofarm.
Copyright protection documents
Poanana zaavka na patent №IAP 2018 0554 at 22.11.2018 G. "Protoprompostrostnnoe rastityelnoe sredstvo".
Certificates of testing the results of research projects
Net Svedeny
Acts on the implementation of the results of research projects, product standards, license agreements
Net Svedeny
Availability of foreign analogues
The drug "Insti" (Pakistan)
Import substitution product
Economic effeciency of the introduction of the results of scientific and technical activities
Lekartstwennye sredstva, prostioniya simptomov prostudia, flu and vospalitelelnyx Prostudy, v osknom, v Uzbekistan Importeryiza iz-zas Rubje. В связи с ethraj predlojena importosmeteshchыshchanchaychayshchayshchanchaychayshchayshchishchanchayshchayshchishchanchaychayshchayshchayshchayshcha-producloons - lecardstvennoe sredstvo на Rastyelnoy нарвнове на. Nalichie Dostatocho zapasa Lekartisto Rastitelnogo сыресskuvayu Dostupnost, a takje besperboyu leknavodstvo vnovaizvodsogo vnova.
Application area
Potential or target consumers
Productsvoditel lecharstvennyx sredstv