
About technoparks

Technopark is a technological base, which will introduce regional, scientific, technological and innovative projects.

Technopark is the property complex, which includes research institutes, industrial facilities, exhibition centers, and services, and maintenance facilities: residential areas. The

International Technic Parks Association describes the innovative infrastructure object as follows: The main purpose of the organization is the organization's specialists, improving the well-being of the local population and increase the competitiveness of innovative businesses and research organizations.

In order to achieve these goals, technology controls and encourages the flow of information and technology between the universities, research institutes, companies and markets. It makes facilitated the creation of new ideas and creates innovative companies through incubation processes.

Technoparks are mainly a place where innovative ideas are formed. However, technoparks are the cities of modern science - not only a platform for the introduction of new technologies, but also a place where unique architectural projects are implemented.